Mon 06 Jan
**** Sexy Miss Santa **** ***** **** HoLiDaY SpEcIaLs **** - 28
(Syracuse, syracuse/oswego and surrounding areas)
-"* Peaches + Cream BLONDE - - AVAIL - for men that keep appts. -"*315-729-8036 Jamie* - 36
(Syracuse, East syracuse/in/out/Safe place!)
❤❤New to Sryacuse ❤❤ HOT BLONDE, Rocking BODY Dream Girl ❤❤ Madison ❤❤ - 25
(Syracuse, Syracuse in or CLOSE BY OUTCALL)
❤❤Naughty as you want me to be ❤❤ RATED #1 BEST ESCORT ❤❤ (($100hr Amazing Pleasure)) ❤❤ - 30
(north syracuse off 81/ xoxo, Syracuse)
Monday specials!!! 80 hh 120hr, 150 outcall (local) - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse, Near 81N 690W and Destiny USA)
»-♥-»RED o Sexy Strawberry! long hair - frekles* Real pics 8075422 - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse & out calls)
*~**~** Enticing ** Captivating ** & ** Alluring **~**~* ~**SPRING SPECIALS**~ - 28
**** Eniticing ~ Captivating ~ Alluring **** SEXY ~ SPRING ~ SPECIALS **** - 28
███▓▒░░▒▓███ _UPSCALE__ ███▓▒░░▒▓███ __100% REAL PICS__ ███▓▒░░▒▓███ _S.E.X/Y_ ███▓▒░░▒▓███ - 19
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle/East Syracuse)
███ ❤♥•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ•♥❤ ███ ●☆● 100% REAL ASIAN BEAUTY ●☆● HOT &☆● READ Y ●☆● ███ ❤♥•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ•♥❤ ███ - - 20
▀▄▀▄❤ ❤ ▄▀▄▀ REAL ASIAN GIRL ❤❤ ▀ ❤ ▄▀▄▀ ❤100% REAL PICS* **NO FAKES ❤❤ ▀▄▀▄★ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ - - 20
▓▓▓▓ C ▓▓ L ▓▓▓ I ▓▓ C ▓▓ K ▓▓ ★★★★ ▓▓ H ▓▓▓ E ▓ ▓▓ R ▓▓▓ E ▓▓✔▓ - 20▓▓▓▓ C ▓▓ L ▓▓▓ I ▓▓ C ▓▓ K ▓▓ - 20
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle/East Syracuse)
💖💕 [ •N*A*U*G*H*T*Y NEVER LOOKED SO N*I*C*E•] 💕💖 24 HOURS 💋 avail now ✔*315-876-6158* - 22
(Syracuse, Syr & Surrounding)
Let Me Show You Something... $100 Incall specials. Triple D chest. - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, INCALLS & Outcalls)
Last chance til Wednesday morning! Big SPECiAL til midnite 100 hh/130 hr* 315-729-9059* - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse,incall/independent/Safe!)
═ ❴ N A U G H T Y } ═✖═ { L I T T L E } ═✖═ { P L A Y G I R L } ═✖═ ★sPeCiAlS ★ ═ - 25
(Syracuse, Syracuse OutCall Specials)
~`* Mens #1 All WOMAN! REAL fun, REAL Exxperience! No fake BS!$119/155* 315-729-9059 - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/independent/incal/OUTCALLs)
**NEWW 👀ШѦRNⓘNG 💯% Real pics 💦♡ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε💕Specials💕💋 315-413-1848 PARTY 🎉 GiRL ❄ - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse & Surrounding)
~~°°••~~Ju!Cy J@W Tre@TmeNt! {{Sweet T¥ghT Ju!©Y NuNu!!}} ~ SubMit 2 Ur PleaSuRe n CaLL Me Now! - 24
(Syracuse, safe,clean and very private)
**... Let Be Your Freaky ...... Little Secret Secret ...... New in Area Discreet Fun - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse , Surrounding Area in/ Out)
- - MaSsAgE - - - YoUR BodY - - - HoT - - - FiNgErS - - - on - - - YOU - - - NOW - - - 45
(Syracuse, E.SYRACUSE/safe)
~`* Juicy Sweet Josie! ~`* Treat yourself to my Sexy , HOT Blonde company! 315~729 ~8036 - 35
(Syracuse, syracuse/incall only/safe/independent)
~`• Monday Funday Special! Sunshine Blonde Sabrina Massage! 125/155 * 315-729-7554 * - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse,in/out/independent/Safe!)
you horny, i'm horny looking for fun. i'll give you what you need!!! in and out. - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse, and surounding areas)
the HoT they R' NOT! See #1 known & Trusted! Sunshine Blonde 115/145$ * 315-729-9059 * - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/independent/in all/safe!)
The Hottest T Girls Fully Functional A Dream Come True 100 % real 323 376 9738 - 25
(Syracuse, Syracuse Visting)
~`* #1 known + trusted Sexy Blonde Sweet Treat u gotta meet! 115/145 * * 315-729-9059 * - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/independent/in call/safe!)
#1 BROOKE iS BACK new#❤ ℒ l e t ' s °•❤•° ℳ a k e °•❤•° ℳ a g i c ❤ INCALL SPECIALS !!❤ 315-383-2081 - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse & Surrounding)
!!! 2 BUSTY SISTERS !!! Stacked from Front to Back !!! Specials TODAY ONLY!!! - 27
(Syracuse, 7th North St/Buckley Rd)
2 girl specials* ginger=natural red hair & busty brunette in calls and out calls - 19
(Syracuse, Syracuse, Incall & Outcall)
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇11✦✦✦✦✦ (( 2 GIRLS SPECIALS))♥♥♥ (( 2GIRLS SPECIALS))—— ████████ ✦✦✦✦✦▇ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ - - 19
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle / Sracuse)
Wednesday specials!!! 80 hh 120hr, 150 outcall (local) - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse, Near 81N 690W and Destiny USA)
•••• ❥ Take a •••• ❥ Detour •••• ❥ COME SEE •••• ❥ 80 half 120 hour till NOON •••• ❥ - 20
(Syracuse, syracuse...)
~ Toys, prostate play, fetishes, ANYTHING TO PLEASE YOU~ 100% satisfaction with nikki 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, (safe,clean) east, Syracuse (off 690))
*** ~Sexy Sultry & Seductive~ *** Body Rubs & Domination *** - 28
•*¨¨*•-:¦: ThIS *•-:¦:-•* GiRl•*¨¨*•-:¦: IS*•-:¦:- *AmAzInG •*¨¨*•-:¦: MUST TRY*•-:¦ - 29
(Syracuse, Upscale safe clean)
Tw0 ExXoTiic bEaUTiiEs ReAdY FoR WhAtEvEr iN sUbUrB aREa >GENEVA< - 19
(Syracuse, Geneva incall ONLY)
Smoking Hott Late Nite SpeCiaLs : ) $60 hh/ $100 hr - Incalls - $120 OutCalls - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse (private))
(((Sparkle))) One Of a Kind... New Pics!!!! $$$100 Incall Specials ^^ 315-876-7933 - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse/incall/outcall)
*** TIS THE SEASON TO BE SEXY *Holiday Specials* *** Body Rubs *** Beautiful Spa-like Room *** - 29
|°•Super Sexy •°| TOP OF THE LINE•°| ONE OF A KIND |•° - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse & surrounding areas)
~`* Strawberry - BLonDe __ ~`* Meet __ this _ TREAT! ~`* VERY *SweeT* NOW - 36
(Syracuse, syracuse/in/out/SAFE!)
" THE CHAMP IS HERE ! " - Sasha's back in 4" heels specials all weekend! - 24
(Syracuse, where we meet will be descreet)
- - - HeaT - - - YouR - - - BoDY - - - w/ - - - MY - - - SeNsUaL - - - HaNdS *NOW* - 40
(Syracuse, E.SYRACUSE/discreet/SAFE)
~ ` HOT ~ ` ~ `SWEET ~ ` ~ `BLoNDE ~ ` ~` EXPerienCE ~ ` ~ ` SexY ~ ` NOW ~ - 36
(Syracuse, E.SYR/discreet/safe company)
° Elite° $100 OutCall : SpeCiaLs… $60 halfs / $100 full hour in/ $100 Outcalls - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse/ surounding area)
~`* Gaurenteed 2 W~A~R~M your cold BONEs! ~`* HOT + Sexy~`* Sabrina * 315~729~7554 - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/in/independent/safe!)
***** HoLiDaY SpEcIaLs ***** SenSual BoDy RuBs & DoMinaTion ***** - 28
fun & sweet ~*StOp PLaYiNg By YoUrSeLf *(NEW VIXEN)*Im A WaRm bUSTY energizer BuNnY ~*♥´¯* - 19
(Syracuse, somewhere near you ;))