Fri 10 Jan
LeT Me WaRm yOu Up ** 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs ** CoMe mElt WiTh Me® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
»—»( K•¡•N•k•¥ )_ ×★×[§K¡LL§ THAT W¡LL AMAZ€ U] ×★× I'm LiiK3 No.OTH3R×★× ULTIMATE ExOtiC FR3AK» - 2 - 22
HOTTEST ON THE LIST....specials all morning!!! cant miss this! one of a kind beauty... - 19
````~~~~++ - - FANTASY - - - BLonDE ~+~ BeaUtiFUL ~+~ NEW ~+~ SpEciAL ~+ - 37
(Syracuse, SyRaCuSe/SaFE/DisCReeT)
fun & sweet ~*StOp PLaYiNg By YoUrSeLf *(NEW VIXEN)*Im A WaRm bUSTY energizer BuNnY ~*♥´¯* - 19
(Syracuse, somewhere near you ;))
~`* Don't miss Wed Special til 6pm* 115/145! This Blondes Worth it! * 315-729-9059 * NOW* - 34
(Syracuse, Syracuse/incall/independent/safe)
FrEaKy FrIdAy CoMe GeT YoUr FiX! 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs! BeInG bAd NeVeR fElT So GoOd® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
Aaliyah...Need Relaxation. . Ready Now !! B-O-D-Y-R-U-B.. Safe Immaculate Location - 32
(Liverpool, Syracuse)
🛍🎁🛍🎁 気のあるそぶりの 🛍🎁🛍becauful young 🎁🛍🎁 🛍🎁B2B 🛍🎁🛍 French kiss 🛍🎁315-922-1311🛍🎁🛍 - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse, hot girl)
*** Specials ....Sneak Away & Satisfy **Your Craving... Young & Tender - 20
(Syracuse, East Syracuse, Surrounding Areas Special)
~=`+ __SeXY __NeVeR __FeLT __ SO __GooD__BLONDY __ SWeeT__PiCS~=`+ - 37
(Syracuse, E.SyRacUSE/safe place)
Ok so What Are You Waiting For?? SpeCiaLs ; ) >$60$ Hr$100$ Hr InCall/ 120 OutCaLLs. - 22
(Syracuse, syracuse/surrounding areas)
Sexy, Piping Hot Sabrina! in / Casinos. only Thurs *Gentlemen 40-59 only! * 315-729-7554 * - 34
(Syracuse, Verona/vernon/ in/ out hotels /safe)
~ SenSuAl ~SeDuCTIvE ~ gOrGEoUs~ TaLL~ SLEndeR~ cUrVeS~ Smokin Hottt >>> - 24
(Syracuse, E.Syracuse, Liverpool, Manlius, bville)
Nice Slim Excellent Bottom//Verse Guy Looking To Please A Man His Way - 23
(Syracuse, In-Call & Out)
😋😈 oops did u dropped the soap 😈 out call😅 Car 🚗fun and much more.. - 36
(Syracuse, syracuse car fun available)
Real, Trusted, known + liked! Sexy Blonde Sarah avail all wkend! 115/145 * 315-729-9059 * - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/independent/in call/safe!)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! * ! P E R F E C T _ _ _ C H O I C E ! * ! _ _ _ _ _ _ - 20
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE and surrounding areas)
»-»RED long hair - freckles* flexible sexy body 8075422 - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse & out calls anywhere)
❤ [ •N*A*U*G*H*T*Y NeVeR LoOkEd SoO N*I*C*E•] ❤ 24 HOURS 💋 avail now ✔*315-876-6158* - 22
(Syracuse, Syr & Surrounding)
~`* S E X Y _ Strawberry _B L O N D E ~`* EXXpeRieNceD ~`* HoT 315~729~8036 - 36
(Syracuse, E.Syracuse/IN/OUT/SAFE!)
**** Sexy Miss Santa **** ***** **** HoLiDaY SpEcIaLs **** - 28
(Syracuse, syracuse/oswego and surrounding areas)
SEXIEST ON THE LIST.. young gorgeous blonde awaiting your call! Your search ends now... - 19
█☆ █ ★ █ NEW █ ★ █ ☆ █ █▀ █ █ ▀█ █▀ █ █ ▀█ SEXY █▀ █ █ ▀█ SWEET █▀ █ █ ▀█ REAL ASIAN GIRL █▀ █ - - 20
*$$ NeW sPeCiAlSs $$* Sweet Sexy Satisfying 2 GIRL SPECIALS & TS AVAIL 24hr❤ - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding)
*♛•°¤ New To NY*♛•°¤ * Ya Fav Luv-Angel*★ SIMONE *♛•°¤ **★ Truckers Welcome - 25
(Syracuse, INCALLS ONLY)
~`*Peaches + Cream BLONDE `* Class not trash/ cheap or bimbo 315~729~8036 - 36
(Syracuse, in/out carrier circle hotels only!/safe)
~`* REAL Exxperience, REAL Woman! This Blonde is WILL make u Smile! 315-729-9059 Now - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse,incall/independent/Safe!)
•♥♥•.✽✽¸.•♥♥• Looking For The Perfect Girl To Spend A little Down Time With•♥♥•.¸✽✽¸.•♥♥•.¸✽✽¸. - 25
(Syracuse, Syracue, N.Y.)
~`*_ EXpeRieNceD __ ~`* HOT __ BLonDe __W/ _ ~`* _HOT __ Room_&_ Hands* - 37
(Syracuse, E.Syracuse/SAFE place!)
[*. HOTT & READY. *] LeTs SpiCe uP yOuR LiFe ;)) 2 GIRL SPECIALS & TS AVAIL 24hr❤ - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding)
~`* ___ GeNeRouS ___ GeNTs___ ~`* BLonDe ___ TaN ___ WiLL _WaRm U__`* - 39
(Syracuse, E.Syracuse/discreet/SAFE)
LeT Me WaRm yOu Up ** 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs ** CoMe mElt WiTh Me® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
»—»( K•¡•N•k•¥ )_ ×★×[§K¡LL§ THAT W¡LL AMAZ€ U] ×★× I'm LiiK3 No.OTH3R×★× ULTIMATE ExOtiC FR3AK» - 2 - 22
° Elite° $100 OutCall Specials Friday: SpeCiaLs… $60 halfs / $100 full hour in/ $100 Outcalls - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse/ surounding area)
Exotic~Exclusive 100 % fun 60 half/100 hour « Out Calls 120 » - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding Areas)
:::B __ L __ O __ N__ D__ E :::___ ☆ ___ :::B__ O__ M__ B__ S__H__ E __L __L::: _______ - 21
* Blonde Sunday Snow~ Bunny * Special* Experience the HEAT! *100/145* Avail at 9pm* 315-729-7554 * - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/in/independent/SAFE!)
»-»CARROT TOP freckles 100% IRISH! NEW PICS $100 INCALLS 3964508 new # - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse & out calls anywhere)
NEW! NEW! NEW! I'm sweet sexy and exotic! Call me for something better and different! - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse ny)
ArE yOu ReAdY To SpIcE Up YoUr LiFe! 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs! BeInG bAd NeVeR fElT So GoOd® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
~`*___ EXpeRienCe ___ ~`* SeXY ____ ~`* BLoNDe ___ ~`* AvaiLaBLe __~`* 4U * - 36
(Syracuse, E.Syracuse/discreet/safe)
SAShA'S BACk ALl WEEkEND LONg! (TaLL IS tHE ORIGiNAL SEXy!) (315)418-2844 - 24
(Syracuse, Incall specials all night Syracuse)
[•♥•[ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E (2 GiRL SPECiAL AVAiL) **315-885-8660** - 22
(Syracuse, Syr & Surrounding)
Let Me Show You Something... $100 Incall specials. Triple D chest. - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, INCALLS & Outcalls)
❤❤Naughty as you want me to be ❤❤ RATED #1 BEST ESCORT ❤❤ (($100hr Amazing Pleasure)) ❤❤ - 30
(north syracuse off 81/ xoxo, Syracuse)
Can't Beat This Treat : ) $60 hh / 100 hr InCalls ** 120 OutCalls ** All Day ** All Night ** : ) - 25
»-»CARROT TOP freckles 100% IRISH! INCALLS 8074120 new # - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse & out calls anywhere)
🍑$60$ $60$ 💲SpEcIaLs💲 💋BLONDE Bombshell🍑BrAnDnEw & ReAdY To PlEaSe YoU💙 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse(local to Destiny usa))
»-» 100% ginger* 8074120 Exotic playmate -Every mans Fantasy - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse & out calls anywhere)
💘💎➔➔╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔ SIMPLY PERFECT!!!💘💎▬▬▬💜 1OO% Rεaℓ 💜 ▬▬▬🎀👑NAUGHTY😈💄S0 S-E-X-Y💋OuTcAllS ➔ - 25
(Syracuse, Syracuse OUTCALL)
100% Real and ready! New pics, 2 girl special!...located in Fulton NY. Available now!!! - 32
💘💎➔➔╠╣0T! ╠╣0T! ➔ SIMPLY PERFECT!!!💘💎▬▬▬💜 1OO% Rεaℓ 💜 ▬▬▬🎀👑NAUGHTY😈💄S0 S-E-X-Y💋 ➔ - 25
(Syracuse, Syracuse OUTCALL)
*~**~** Enticing ** Captivating ** & ** Alluring **~**~* ~**SPRING SPECIALS**~ - 28