Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Meet local singles and swingers for real-life erotic encounters
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
🛍🎁🛍🎁 気のあるそぶりの 🛍🎁🛍becauful young 🎁🛍🎁 🛍🎁B2B 🛍🎁🛍 French kiss 🛍🎁315-922-1311🛍🎁🛍 - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse, hot girl)
__ NEW YeT CLaSsY BuSTy BLoNdE 36Ds ReAdY AnD WiLLiNg FoR AnYtHiNg CoMe PLaY 100% ReAL____ - - 23
(syracuse surrounding areas in/out)
...... ☆★ Melt in Your Mouth !! ☆★ .........Would Love To Play!! ☆★ - 26
(Syracuse, Liverpool/syracuse DEALS!!!!)
~**LeTs HaVE SoMe FuN GeNtLeMaN $$60$$ SpEcIaLs $ CoMe InDuLGe In UNFORGETTABLE PlEaSures wiTh Me!! - 23
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE {private})
##Look no further😍beautiful❤ SEDUCTIVE❤ classy &upscale;👑😘black&indian; mix - 19
(Rochester, Rochester, in call/outcall)
IM BACK!!!! (¯`'·. ¸☆¸.•★ !'ll B€ ¥oUR F@VoRiiT€ N€W @DDii¢Tii0N★█▆▅▃ ·'´¯ ☆ - 19
(Syracuse, syracuse OutCalls!)
Like Breakfast I'm the most important part of ur day - 25
(Syracuse, East Syracuse :: in calls only)
(¯`'·. ¸☆¸.•★ !'ll B€ ¥oUR F@VoRiiT€ N€W @DDii¢Tii0N★█▆▅▃ ·'´¯ ☆ iTALiAN BAMBiNO - 19
(Syracuse, syracuse InCallS & OutCallS)
Looking for some fun? Ask about my Monday specials...Available 24/7...Ask for Brandy (315)314-3364 - 25
★★ Midnight Madness ★ Amazing Body ★ Unforgettable ★ New Pic's - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse,Surrounding Area in/out)
**HoTt SeXy Nd ExOtiC LeT uS FuLlFiL yOuR NeEdS** TWO GIRL SPECIALS & TS AVAIL* 24/hr in/out - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surrounding areas In/Out)
INcall onLy★ ·BbW· >BiG bOOty WomAN ★Yes, I'm 100% >> R E A L
(Syracuse, in call 24/7 CARRIER CIRCLE))
** kim is the ultimate DREAM COME TRUE *i meet u at the door naughtywear n heels $100hr 315*436*3972 - 25
(Syracuse, sexy Kim @ Rt 11 (n.syr))
Hey gentlemen "Nikki" takes care of ALL your needs , $80hh, $100hr Nikki 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, off 81n / syracuse)
Late Night Specials!! $}{60$ }{ $60 }{ $100 }{ SpeCiaLs CaNt BeaT This TreaT!! - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse/surrounding areas)
Local Playmate for *ALL* Your Erotic Desires - 19
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, In town, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tier)
★ $$$ l•••►★ OPeN MINdEd ★YE$ I LOvE KiS$ES!!!★AvAiLAbLE NoW ★•◄••CALL ME NOW••★ - 26
(Syracuse, matteydale/north syracuse)
* Chocolate ***VIXEN** New Chocolate playmate CHASITY here to fulfill - 25
(Syracuse, Syracuse & surrounding)
██ • ★ • ██ Beautiful ██ • ★ • ██ HoT ██ • ★ •All natural ██ • ★ • ██ ██ • ★ • ██ VIP ██ ★ - 24
(Syracuse, South Hedge)
wishes come true with snow white COMPLETE SATISFACTION & SERVICE $80~100hr SNOW WHITE 315~450~3406 - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
you had the rest know im the best why have cubjc zirconium when u can have a clean cut diamond - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse/watertown all surrounding area)
♥Treat Urself Dont Cheat Urself♥Come Get All Ur Needs Met♥Im Openminded♥ Lets Play♥ (315)760-8500 - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse Oswego Fulton surrounding area)
💎Want the best? Super Sexy Lexus💕 will make you forget the rest 💎 - 25
(Syracuse, Outcalls & Incalls)
🍃🌷🍃 yummy, yummy🍃🌷🍃 they use fingers, I use TOYS🍃🌷🍃 SEXY KAY 🍃🌷🍃315-992-3402 - 31
(Syracuse, 🌷N.Syracuse off 81N🌷)
💋💦❤ Sunday SPECIALS ! - 2 GIRLS 150 ... Guarantee it's me , or it's FREE ! ❤💦💋 - 22
(Syracuse, Liverpool)
TRANSEXUAL Caution I may Cream in Warm Places!!! 8 1/2 thick long and hard avail 24/7 - 22
(Syracuse, little italy)
:* ☎ ; ¨* Your →FAVE LATiNA← Leaving tomorrow!* LAST CHANCE!*EXOTiC & GoRgEoUs w NEW PiCs! :* ☎ ;¨*: - 27
(Syracuse, LEFT TO BUFFALO!!)
~°°suNdaY SpeCiaLs $60$~°° cOme Try SomEthinG nEw &BetteR;!!!! incalls (315) 373 9928 - 20
(Syracuse, downtown area)
▀▄▀ ❤UPSCALE SEXY ITALIAN❤ ▀▄▀▄ ❤♥°o°•★ !'ll B€ ¥oUR F@VoRiiT€ N€W @DDii¢Tii0N★█▆▅▃ ♥ ♛ - 19
(Syracuse, syracuse OutCalls)
SuPeR Sweet 100SPeCiAL ♛• NeW CuT¡€ (ViSiTiNG) [UpSCaLe BaBe] No RusH 1OO% ReAl - 19
(Syracuse, where ever you need me to be)
*Treat Urself To A Phenomenally ♥ Captivating ♥ Self indulging Experience* - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse & all Surrounding Areas)
Looking 2 Amaze You!!! 80$ half hour Sun only call now u wont regret it boys!!!! - 28
(Syracuse, Liverpool)
Juicy and Tasty**** ~ Great Reviews~ - 23
(All Area In 😽 Out, Binghamton, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
Friend with Benefits and a Married Mans Best Kept Secret! - 19
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
♥Im Waiting For You♥Get All Ur Needs Met♥Openminded♥ Lets Play♥ (315)760-8500 - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse Oswego Fulton surrounding area)
Incall only, openminded Sexy Kandi is ready to treat you ** 315-882-9849 (($80 specials. )) - 25
(Syracuse, north syracuse off 81/ incall only)
[♥] ) K.¡.§.§.A.B.L. CUTiE F.R.0.M ❤ T.0.P 2 B.0.T.T.0.M. [♥] - 27
(Syracuse, $80 deals till noon....)
◆█◆█★♡♡▄❤ (( HoT ))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_♥♡♡▄★ - 22
$eXy ~ QUALITY BruNeTTe //// REallly ME 100% ** //// W*A*R*N*I*N*G Try me & you will be hooked :)~ ! - 21
(Syracuse, in & out)
*Elite* Wednesday Specials * 50 half 80 hour 2 Girls 120 Outcalls 100 - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding Areas)
•------☆ •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•Hot Girl ~ Hotter Specials •------☆ •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* - 23
******DreaMs & FanTisies****** WeeKenD SpeCiaLs ******* - 28
(Syracuse, syracuse/oswego and surrounding areas)
Comin to watertown arive at 4pm in call and out only in town till sun try me you be pleased - 29
(In my bed, Watertown)
@@@Desire hot sexy classy top notch nasty trust me one night with me will be ever lasting @@@ - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse/watertown all sourrounding area)
~ *•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:• :Experience A Night U Won't Forget With Angel •:*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - - - 19
(Syracuse, Syracuse/ Carrier)
💕💋*MoNdAy FuN 👅NiCe&NaUgty;👿 GEnTlEmAn CoMe EnJoY UnRuShEd ExPeRiEnCe WiTh Me PlEaSuRe GuArAnTee - 23