Fri 03 Jan
👸🐝 READy NoW!🏁[★OuT CaLLs [ReViEwS]🍰 BlOnDe 🍭] ★ [ SMoKiN 💨HoT🔥KiNKy 👅💦] ★ [💯SP£CiAL‼️] - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse & surrounding areas OUTCALLS)
blonde★▬▬ ★★ ▬▬°M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y ° ◕ ‿ ◕ ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S° ★ CALL NOW - 22
Sneak away for the nagging wife come join me 4 playtime guys lets hav fun!!! 55$qs80$hh140$hr - 27
THe CHAMp IS HeRe"! SASha'S BaCk WItH NeW PiCS anD SPeCiALS! hOT! HOt! HoT! - 24
Thu 02 Jan
SEXIEST BLONDE DREAM GIRL!! UP ALL NIGHT! in/ out call!! HOTT & waiting 2 please u! - 21
(Syracuse, OUTCALLS/ in calls!! REVIEWED VERY WELL!)
@@@New in town just for you put me to the test and let me do the rest@@@ - 22
(Syracuse, syracuse/watertown)
SeXy ** ExCoTiC ** JeRseY BlOnDe ** CoMe SeE**(ThE HoTteSt**SiNfUl AnGel)2 GiRl sPeCials**No ReGreTs - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse,ny)
$$$ Seeking Mature and Generous Men for an Amazing Time $$$ Available NOW or LATER - 39
(Syracuse, NEAR OLD PENN CAN MALL on South Bay Rd.)