Mon 06 Jan
Mya - Sexy Filipina going where other girls won't - INCALLS/OUTCALLS - 27
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle)
If you want me then come and get me
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
► YoUr _____# 1 FINEST _____ ▄ █ ♥ 5 StAr DrEaM ____EsCoRt ♥ █ ▄____ CaLl Now► - 22
(Syracuse, MINE/YOURS 2 girl fantasies AVAIL NOW)
Fri-Sun. Specials for 2 ;) Never disappointed, Come to OUR world... Come to LalaLand!!!♥ - 19
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surrounding areas)
Sun 05 Jan
__ NEW NaUgHtY YeT CLaSsY BuSTy BLoNdE 36Ds ReAdY AnD WiLLiNg FoR AnYtHiNg CoMe PLaY 100% ReAL____ - 23
(syracuse and surrounding areas in/out)
Nikki, spoil yourself with this hottie. (i do what you like) $80hh, $100hr, 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, my place, E. Syracuse (off 690))
█***Super Sexy Asian Girl** First ~~~~ New in Town █***** ==== 20 - 20
(Syracuse, liverpool/syracuse ( 315-878-2613 ))
~`Sunshine Blonde Exxperienced Sexy Sabrina! Real Men 40-59 Only! Now * 315-729-7554 * - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse,in/out/independent/Safe!)
Sat 04 Jan
~*~*~ NEW __ NEW __ MyyA ThE NaUgHtY BuT NiCe GiRL NeXtDooR CoMe MaKe yOuR FaNtAsYs CoMe TrUe~*~*~ - 23
(syracuse surrounding areas in/out)
🌟 Let's Go out with a 💣💥 2013 🌟 $100 specials all night🎉 Rosa💋. 315-460-6266 - 27
(Syracuse, Carrier circle)
$80hh, $100hr, hott, sexy, one on one ~ body to body , spoil yourself with sexy nikki 315~ 278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, my place, E. Syracuse (off 690))
** DOUBLE TROUBLE ** (NYS FAIR) specials 2 girls 4 80 - 28
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in/out))
Fri 03 Jan
***** ~Sexy Sunday~ ***** SPECIALS ***** Body Rubs & Domination ***** - 28
❤❤$80/100hr ❤Naughty as you want me to be ❤❤ RATED #1 BEST ESCORT ❤❤ (($100hr Amazing Pleasure)) ❤❤ - 30
(north syracuse off 81/ xoxo, Syracuse)
Thu 02 Jan