Mon 27 Jan
$ $O L D E R-M A T U R E & N I K K I E &2015-N E W-Y E A R S-D E A L S$ $ - 52
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE NY 315-228-8559/24-7)
•☆• CRAVING * SOM€ON€ .. K=¡=N=K=y=...? •☆• —— ♥ AvaiLabL€ Early Morning TOO - 26
(Syracuse, early Bird deals!!!!)
* ¯`'.¸ ★¸. It's All Worth It¸ dont waste another day away★¸ ★¸. ' - 26
(Syracuse, Late night deals..........)
💔➜♥ A different kind of women 💋💋Pineapple Express💔💔 - 26
(Syracuse, im worth ur time《deals deals&more; deals)
💔➜♥ A different kind of women 💋💋Pineapple Express💔💔 - 26
(Syracuse, im worth ur time《deals deals&more; deals)
100%real sweet🍭skill lips👄 and hips .c$m let me leave u speechless, ' - 36
(Syracuse, west of the city Syracuse,)
Sun 12 Jan
••❤•• —— Take me ••❤•• out for ••❤•• A Spin —— ••❤•• - 27
(Syracuse, All the right places!!..$75 deals)
Sat 11 Jan
***What are you waiting for!!***Guaranteed Hot, Wild & Sexy!!***Class not Trash!!*** - 38
(Syracuse, Liverpool)
...... ☆★You can Melt in my Mouth !! ☆★ .....I Would Love To Play!! ☆★ - 27
(Syracuse, Liverpool/syracuse DEALS!!!!)
[♥] ) K.¡.§.§.A.B.L. CUTiE F.R.0.M ❤ T.0.P 2 B.0.T.T.0.M. [♥] - 27
(Syracuse, $80 deals till noon....)
Fri 10 Jan
...... ☆★ Melt in Your Mouth !! ☆★ .........Would Love To Play!! ☆★ - 26
(Syracuse, Liverpool/syracuse DEALS!!!!)
DONT ____ P [ a ] S S ___ U-P __ [ S ] o [ M ] e [ T ] h [ i ] G ____ THIS ____ [ GO-OD ] - 26
(Syracuse, $80 deals)
[♥] ) K.¡.§.§.A.B.L. CUTiE F.R.0.M ❤ T.0.P 2 B.0.T.T.0.M. [♥] - 27
(Syracuse, $80 deals till noon....)
* :•.* LEt Me Thrill You!!Www♥ • :* AS yOu Thrill Me!!☎ * : Fun ☎ * :•.♥ C$m And GeT S$Me - 27
(Syracuse, DEALS!!!!)
$$((M A T U R E & N I K K I E )) W I N - A - 19INCH & N E W - F L A T- S C R E E N ))GET-FREE-TIME$$ - 52
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE NY 315-228-8559)
$ $O L D E R-M A T U R E & N I K K I E &2015-N E W-Y E A R S-D E A L S$ $ - 52
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE NY 315-228-8559/24-7)
Thu 09 Jan
o ☎o° ° °★° ° SpeCiaLs** °o*° *¨¨*SOmE Body NeedS some FUN today !!!??? - 24
(Syracuse, $75 deals carrier circle)
Let's Get it On Babyyy!!! *** Guaranteed Hot, Wild & Sexy!! *** Can U Handle It?!! - 38
(Syracuse, Liverpool)
...... ☆★You can Melt in my Mouth !! ☆★ .....Not In My hands!! ☆★ - 27
(Syracuse, Liverpool/syracuse DEALS!!!!)
•☆• CRAVING * SOM€ON€ .. K=¡=N=K=y=...? •☆• —— ♥ AvaiLabL€ Early Morning TOO - 26
(Syracuse, early Bird deals!!!!)
♥Classy −● xoOX ► ** Ultimate EROTICA ♥ x*X*x ♥ LOVE 4ur Soul n Flesh ** ◄ XOox ♥ Play - 20
(Syracuse, syracuse incall and outcall in city 24hr)
* :•.♥ • :* LEt Me Thrill You!!☎ * :•.♥ • :* AS yOu Thrill Me!!☎ * : Fun ☎ * :•.♥ C$m And GeT S$Me - 27
(Syracuse, DEALS!!!!)
**Let's Get Together BABY!!@@@ ***Guaranteed Hot, Wild & Sexy!!***@@@You & Me Babe!!** - 38
(Syracuse, Liverpool)
Wed 08 Jan
🌟🌟🌟👍 How Many Licks Dose It Take Too Get Too My Toosie ?? »-😉 【 E¥e CanD¥ •* 】 ❤️ 【💯 REAL 】 💋 - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse Private Location safe)
* ¯`'.¸ ★¸. It's All Worth It¸ dont waste another day away★¸ ★¸. ' - 26
(Syracuse, Late night deals..........)
🌟🌟🌟👍 How Many Licks Dose It Take Too Get Too My Toosie ?? »-😉 【 E¥e CanD¥ •* 】 ❤️ 【💯 REAL 】 💋 - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse Private Location safe)
* :•.* LEt Me Thrill You!!Www♥ • :* AS yOu Thrill Me!!☎ * : Fun ☎ * :•.♥ C$m And GeT S$Me - 27
(Syracuse, DEALS!!!!)
☆Not Artificial ☆I AM Real!!!!! ☆ C$M See☆ FuN FuN ☆ThAts What you'll GeT☆!!!!! - 28
(Syracuse, Liverpool/syracuse DEALS!!!!)
Tue 07 Jan
...... ☆★You can Melt in my Mouth !! ☆★ .....Not In My hands!! ☆★ - 27
(Syracuse, Liverpool/syracuse DEALS!!!!)
Mon 06 Jan
**Let's Get Together BABY!!@@@ ***Guaranteed Hot, Wild & Sexy!!***@@@You & Me Babe!!** - 38
(Syracuse, Liverpool)
o ☎o° ° °★° ° SpeCiaLs** °o*° *¨¨*SOmE Body NeedS some FUN today !!!??? - 24
(Syracuse, $75 deals carrier circle)
***What are you waiting for!!***Guaranteed Hot, Wild & Sexy!!***Class not Trash!!*** - 38
(Syracuse, Liverpool)
Sun 05 Jan
☆Not Artificial ☆I AM Real!!!!! ☆ C$M See☆ FuN FuN ☆ThAts What you'll GeT☆!!!!! - 28
(Syracuse, Liverpool/syracuse DEALS!!!!)
* :•.♥ • :* LEt Me Thrill You!!☎ * :•.♥ • :* AS yOu Thrill Me!!☎ * : Fun ☎ * :•.♥ C$m And GeT S$Me - 27
(Syracuse, DEALS!!!!)
••❤•• —— Take me ••❤•• out for ••❤•• A Spin —— ••❤•• - 27
(Syracuse, All the right places!!..$75 deals)
...... ☆★You can Melt in my Mouth !! ☆★ .....I Would Love To Play!! ☆★ - 27
(Syracuse, Liverpool/syracuse DEALS!!!!)
♥Classy −● xoOX ► ** Ultimate EROTICA ♥ x*X*x ♥ LOVE 4ur Soul n Flesh ** ◄ XOox ♥ Play - 20
(Syracuse, syracuse incall and outcall in city 24hr)
Sat 04 Jan
100%real sweet🍭skill lips👄 and hips .c$m let me leave u speechless, ' - 36
(Syracuse, west of the city Syracuse,)
Fri 03 Jan
...... ☆★ Melt in Your Mouth !! ☆★ .........Would Love To Play!! ☆★ - 26
(Syracuse, Liverpool/syracuse DEALS!!!!)
DONT ____ P [ a ] S S ___ U-P __ [ S ] o [ M ] e [ T ] h [ i ] G ____ THIS ____ [ GO-OD ] - 26
(Syracuse, $80 deals)
Thu 02 Jan