Mon 27 Jan
❤ • ❤ • ❤ [ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ] P L E A S U R E ❤ • ❤ • ❤ 2 GiRL SpEciAl'$$ - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding 24 HRS in/out)
👄👅Turning StOnE spEcIaLs 🚘💸💧3XΘTiC ❥2 GiRLZ ⓢⓦⓔⓔⓣ as 🍯 -αvαiℓabℓε ➜ Y O U R # 1 C H O I C - 23
★ $$$ l•••►★ OPeN MINdEd ★YE$ I LOvE KiS$ES!!!★AvAiLAbLE NoW ★•◄••CALL ME NOW••★ - 26
(Syracuse, matteydale/north syracuse)
® *HOT* *FUN* *SEXII* It'S WaRmiNG Up So LeT Us CoOl YoU DoWN ® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
Busty, cute, & classy. 44DDD's. Im ready & waiting. Specials all day. Ill be your fantasy. - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, incalls & outcalls.)
Available now!! Kendra Fierce filmstar!!! 420 24/7 *military specials* - 24
(Syracuse, Incall onlycarrier circle)
▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ☆ The Real EXOTIC BEAUTY ;)☆❤ A V A I L A B L E NOW ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ 100% REAL OUTCALLS Only. - 22
(Syracuse, ((Syracuse)) OUTCALL Only 24/7 .)
(((Sparkle))) One Of a Kind... New Pics!!!! Incall Specials - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse/incall/outcall)
€£¥¥£The ACTUAL girl IN the PICTURE€¥%£WITH HAlF TImE SpeciaL#@ - 20
(Syracuse, syracuse and surrounding areas)
Sick of the scams AND drug addicts ? What do you really want for your BUCK !!? - 20
Busty, cute, & classy. 44DDD's. Im ready & waiting. Specials all day. Ill be your fantasy. - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, incalls & outcalls.)
° Elite° $100 OutCall Specials Friday: SpeCiaLs… $60 halfs / $100 full hour in/ $100 Outcalls - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse/ surounding area)
Busty, classy, thick. 44 DDD's. Ready to play! 100% real pics. Specials all night !!! - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, outcalls)
▌▌BRAND NEW BARBIES ▌⫸ ▌ ⫸ ▌⫸ ▌⫸ R♣O♣Y♣A♣L - T♣R♣E♣A♣T♣ M♣E♣N♣T -KISSES ⫷ ▌⫷ ▌⫷ ▌⫷ ▌💘 ▌▌▌ - 21
Available now!! Kendra Fierce filmstar!!! 420 24/7 *military specials* - 24
(Syracuse, Incall onlycarrier circle)
** A kiss is the upper persuasion for a lower invasion ** - 28
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in/out))
18 ((( Angel))) Soft Feminine Brand New & !!!*** $100 incall specials 315- 876-7930 - 18
(Syracuse, syracuse/ incall/ outcall)
2 fOr TuEsDaYS! Are YoU HoTt? NeEd SomE cOoLiNg ofF? CoMe gEt WiTh me
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
:.♥: 2 Hot 2 Handle :.♥: Out of town - BRAND NEW :.♥:Sexy Girls :.♥: - 22
(Syracuse, wont be avail till after 6pm 2day!)
2 GiRlS $140 SpEcIaL! Are YoU HoTt? NeEd SomE cOoLiNg ofF? CoMe gEt WiTh me
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
Sun 12 Jan
•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* ★ _S_E_X_Y_ ☆ _ 5_ ★ _S_ T_A_R _ ★ _B_E_A_U_T_Y •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* - - 20
(Syracuse, MY HOUSE)
(•.¸ ★¸.•) NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME (•.¸ ★¸.•) AVAILABLE NOW - 20
(Syracuse, Syracusee Yourr Place Onlyy !!)
Busty, classy, thick. 44 DDD's. Ready to play! 100% real pics. Specials all night !!! - 18
(Syracuse, Syracuse, outcalls)
**Top of The Line Selection NoBody Can Mess with Our Sexi Styles N Flavors** - 22
(Syracuse, 7th North Street;)))
Sat 11 Jan
Monica Rain is back in town with sexy girfriend!!! - 24
(Syracuse, Incall and Outcall specials only tonight)
% % % -M-A-T-U-R-E & O-L-D-E-R & W-H-O & M-E & C-E-R-A % % % - 49
• L€T *M€* M@k€ *¥0uR* T€mP€r@TuR€ *R¡§€ •(visiting/out call specials) - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse and surrounding areas)
* DoNt MiSs ThEsE 36dd!!!! LEAVING IN 1WEEK! Don't miss out! Last visit to Syracuse this year* - 21
® *HOT* *FUN* *SEXII* It'S WaRmiNG Up So LeT Us CoOl YoU DoWN ® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
SiNfUl SaTuRdAy** 2 GiRlS**HoTt NeW SpEcIaLs** CoMe AnD InDuLgE**® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
O L D E R & L A Y L A - S P R I N G T I M E & S P E C I A L S /book 1hr g$$et 30mins - 51
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE NY LATENIGHT APT315-228-8559)
%%%%O L D E R & M A T U R E & 2 / G I R L - S P E C I A L S %%%% - 49
2 GiRlS $140 SpEcIaL! Are YoU HoTt? NeEd SomE cOoLiNg ofF? CoMe gEt WiTh me
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
Fri 10 Jan
**HoTt SeXy Nd ExOtiC LeT uS FuLlFiL yOuR NeEdS** TWO GIRL SPECIALS & TS AVAIL* 24/hr in/out - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surrounding areas In/Out)
Let US spice up your life. WE HAVE IT ALL. ****TWO GIRL SPECIALS & TS AVAILABLE**** Call Now 24/hr - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surrounding areas In/Out)
★ $$$ l•••►★ OPeN MINdEd ★YE$ I LOvE KiS$ES!!!★AvAiLAbLE NoW ★•◄••CALL ME NOW••★ - 26
(Syracuse, matteydale/north syracuse)
LeT Me WaRm yOu Up ** 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs ** CoMe mElt WiTh Me® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
FrEaKy FrIdAy CoMe GeT YoUr FiX! 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs! BeInG bAd NeVeR fElT So GoOd® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
LeT Me WaRm yOu Up ** 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs ** CoMe mElt WiTh Me® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
° Elite° $100 OutCall Specials Friday: SpeCiaLs… $60 halfs / $100 full hour in/ $100 Outcalls - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse/ surounding area)
ArE yOu ReAdY To SpIcE Up YoUr LiFe! 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs! BeInG bAd NeVeR fElT So GoOd® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
* The*BEST **In *SYRACUSE ( -)( -) tH!CK thighs ..k!LLER cURVES... PERKY B(o)(o)Bs - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse (near downtown))
Thu 09 Jan
$I-M & O -L- D- E -R & C -E -R -A &R; -U- N -N- I- N- G &D; A I L Y & S P E C I A L S - 51
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE/NY&ANYWERE;&315-228-8368)
HaPpY HoLiDaYs** 2 GiRlS**HoTt NeW SpEcIaLs** CoMe AnD InDuLgE**® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
NEW !! [ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ] ★ K•!•N•k•Y• ★ EXoT!C• ★ C•u•T•!•E•s★ 24 HRS !! - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding)
SiNfUl SaTuRdAy** 2 GiRlS**HoTt NeW SpEcIaLs** CoMe AnD InDuLgE**® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
Wed 08 Jan
****THE ITALIAN DREAM****Making Your Fantasies Your Realities**** - 25