Mon 06 Jan
**NEWW 👀ШѦRNⓘNG 💯% Real pics 💦♡ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε💕Specials💕💋 315-413-1848 PARTY 🎉 GiRL ❄ - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse & Surrounding)
@@ M A T U R E - O L D E R & N I K K I E-G R E A T- S E R V I C E @@ - 50
LoOkiNg FoR ReGuLaRs.... YoUnG, WiLd n HoT... CoME n PlAy WiTh Me!!! - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse, N.Y.)
🍃💜🍃lickyy☆lickyy 🍃💜🍃stickyy☆stickyy 🍃💜🍃Horny.. call sexy kay 315-992-3402 🍃💜🍃 - 31
(Syracuse, 🍃💜🍃north syracuse off 81🍃💜🍃)
- - MaSsAgE - - - YoUR BodY - - - HoT - - - FiNgErS - - - on - - - YOU - - - NOW - - - 45
(Syracuse, E.SYRACUSE/safe)
Look So Good..... Feel So Much Better @ Angel ##315- 876-0691 ( incall specials - 19
(Syracuse, Syracuse/ Carrier)
Hot New girl working incall location here for 3 weeks. Real pics
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
Late Night Specials!! $}{60$ }{ $60 }{ $100 }{ SpeCiaLs CaNt BeaT This TreaT!! - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse/surrounding areas)
Your Seductive Playmate ........ Toe Curling Experience Unforgettable ..... You Be The Judge - 20
(Syracuse, SYCRAUSE, Surrounding Areas In/out)
★Z♡€¥★YOU deserve something Sexy, Small,&Sweet.; I'm the Perfect Treat!Im in Binghamton - 21
(Binghamton, Binghamton area and surrounding in/out)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE ————:¦:•S T O P & T A K E ——A——:¦:•L•O • O • K•:¦:———(( TREAT YOURSELF )) - 20
(Syracuse, ~*New*~ Sexy ~*New*~ Hot ~*New*~ SEXY ~*)
THURSDAY night Specials for 1 or 2 ;) Never disappointed, Come to OUR world... Come to LalaLand!!!♥ - 19
(Syracuse, Syracuse and surrounding areas)
SUNDAy FUNDAy *C0ME 0VER & MEEt tHESE tAStY tREAts **2 GiRl SPECiALs* 315-450-9025 **Call Anytime - 23
**~**__________ The Best Hands Down Come And Play __________**~** - 21
💋💋💋💖💖SPECIAL 💋💋💋💋💋 Japanese NURU Massage .☎☎☎ 917-362-8115 ☎☎BODY ON THE BODY☎☎SEXY☎ - 22
(S bay Rd. N Syracuse☎ 917-362-8115 ☎☎, Syracuse)
SEXY blonde waiting 4 u! HOTT & In the mood! treat yourself!! - 22
(Good area Reviewed Well! 10 min from des, Syracuse)
**ThE NiTe Is EaRlY GeNtLeMaN LeTs HaVe SoMe FuN ~SeXy LeXi ~ ** $60$ SpEcIaLs All NiTe** **24/7** - 24
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE(private))
**T.G.I.F** **~RACHEL Is HeRe~** LeTS SpEnD SoMe SpEcIaL UnRuShEd TIme GeNtLeMaN** - 25
♡☆◇Call Tonight or Early Morning Come See What Your Missing◇☆♡ - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse, fulton, Oswego,:surrounding)
🎃$80/100hr !! come play with sexy Kay 315-440-8610🎃 Im available at 2:30 and all day/night today - 30
(north syracuse , mattydale area, off 81n, Syracuse)
🌟80~HR 🌟 naughty toy Shows 🌟 sexy PROSTATE PLAY 🌟 awesome GIVING~RECEIVING!! 🌟Sexy Kay - 30
(Syracuse, 🌟n. syracuse off 81 🌟)
B2️⃣B ▐ ☆▐▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃💓▐ ☆▐ New sexy Asian Girls !! ▐ ☆▐▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃💓▐ ☆▐ ☎ 815-668-9021 ▐ ☆▐▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse 815-668-9021 Youngse new)
Allnight Action💄 ‼️【HoT & REAdY 】🎊70hh 100hr💲peciaL💲💐 】🎀【Super ★ Fr3aK】 👅 - 24
(East syracuse, Syracuse)
💛❤️AbSoLuTeLy🍒 AmAziNg❤️💛💦LeT Me CoMe PlAy w/ U❤️#1 MoSt WaNtEd💦🔥💦SwEeT 🍓🔥🍓SE❌ii JENNA 💛 - 25
(Syracuse, Syracuse OUTCALL)
$80hr 🎃🎃I'm Real.. trustworthy. . hott.. and sexy🎃🎃 sexy kay 315-992-3402 🎃🎃 $80hr - 31
(Syracuse, 🎃N. Syracuse off 81N🎃)
█ ☆ █ * THE * __ * BEST * █ ☆ █ - 24
(100 Specials all day plus new pic)
✋❌ €XTR€M€L¥ ADDiCTiVE 👑 Sω€€T & 💯% S€X¥ 👊 kNocK OuT❌ AvAiLaBle NOW 👑 LeAViNg SOON!!✋ - 27
•*¨¨*•-:¦: ThIS *•-:¦:-•* GiRl•*¨¨*•-:¦: IS*•-:¦:- *AmAzInG •*¨¨*•-:¦: MUST TRY*•-:¦ - 29
(Syracuse, Upscale safe clean)
Sweet and sexy waiting for you!! New pics! **two girl special today only** - 26
(Syracuse, "Liverpool" incall/outcalls available)
Special ALL Day TUESday #1 pic HOT SexxY Blonde j.@ mi3 10v3 ~`95/135 * 315-729-9059 - 34
(Syracuse, carrier circle/independent/in all/no BS)
SuperSpecials ☆TRU .. ULTiMATE .. EXPERiENCE .. WiLD ... ThiCk ...% BBW... ☆☆ @vailable 24/7 - 30
The Girl Mom Warned You About.... Is All Grown Up Now! - 19
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
sweat and petite just like ice cream what a taste treat one lick will make u drop to your feet - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse/watertown all surrounding area)
~`* Strawberry - BLonDe __ ~`* Meet __ this _ TREAT! ~`* VERY *SweeT* NOW - 36
(Syracuse, syracuse/in/out/SAFE!)
Sweet and sexy waiting for you!! New pics! **two girl special tonight only** - 26
(Syracuse, Syracuse Incalls only)
Im A Very Special Woman¥¥… I Aim To Please Your Every Want And Need …® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse, Oswego, fulton surrounding)
Hot & Sexy Petite Blonde Play Thing... Just for your pleasure!!! - 26
(Syracuse, Syracuse-will travel NewYork State)
Get ready for love in 10 min!!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Right here, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin T)
Exotic Beautiful Sunday Specials 50 half 100 hour 2 Girl 140 - 24
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding Areas)
ArE yOu ReAdY To SpIcE Up YoUr LiFe! 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs! BeInG bAd NeVeR fElT So GoOd® - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse- surrounding-(in//out))
EXCLUSIVE CALL NOW young blonde hottie back in town and ready to fulfill your wildest dreams - 19
Come AnD tAsTe SoMeThInG sWeEt 🍬🍭YOuR pErFeCt hOliDaY tReAt 🍰🎄🎋InCaLl SpEcIaLs 🏠2 GiRlS 👭💰🎄⛄ - 24