Mon 06 Jan
Come open Pandora's box and enjoy the pleasures. ~•Rosa•~ - 27
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/Carrier Circle/Dewitt)
**DESIREE** **BRAND NEW** **IN TOWN** **nys fair specials** **2 GiRlS AvAiLaBle** - 22
(Syracuse, syracuse/carrier circle)
Sun 05 Jan
P_E_R_F_E_C_T! __((( PETITE )))__ -- ♥- HOT -♥- SEXY -♥- READY -- SPECIALS - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse/ surrounding incall)
sexy nikki is waiting to please you, body to body. i do what you want. nikki 315~278~0496 - 26
(Syracuse, just off 81n , syracuse)
Sexual enhancement right now!!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Right here, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin T)
NEW NeW Coming Soon Near You ★SPINE TINGLING★ {[SeXy]} ★ {[FAT BOOTY]} ★ {[Big BooBie§]} ★ - 18
(Syracuse, incall only)
-REAL "MEN" - - Men that make an appt + keep it + don't just play w/ a phone- Come C - ME! - 36
(Syracuse, syracuse/safe/independent/in/out)
new in town that what iam kinky classylove being nasty keeping you happy to the end - 22
(Syracuse, mines or yours all areas)
Reviewed Redhead in Syracuse --- Sun. March 12 to Tues. March 14 --- Asian and European --- - 26
(Syracuse, Syracuse New York incall and outcall)
███▓▒░░▒▓███ _S E X Y__ ███▓▒░░▒▓███ __B E A U T I F U L__ ███▓▒░░▒▓███ _U P S C A L E_ ███▓▒░░▒▓███ - 19
❣LeAViNG SoOn❣ {{iRReSiSTiBLe}} ♥ {{UnFoRGeTTaBLe SKiLLs}} ♥ {{PeRFeCT SaTiSFaCTiON}} - - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse/ surrounding incall)
________ NeW SeXy HoT N WiLd EaGeR To PLeAse CoMe PLaY ______ - 24
(syracuse all surrounding areas in/out)
🔥🔥looking to turn up the heat? well look no further🔥🔥
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, everywhere, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin T)
New Pics**hottie with a body** specials all night call me!!!! - 23
(Syracuse, syracuse/ carrier circle)
[•♥•[ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E (2 GiRL SPECiAL AVAiL) **315-885-8660** - 22
(Syracuse, Syr & Surrounding)
▓▓▓▓▓▓ █║█║█║█║█║ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ ___N E W__G I R L__P O R S H A__ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ █║█║█║█║█║ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ - 18
©°★ ( ( MAGIC ) ) °o©° ( ( FINGERS ) ) °★© ° ( ( ErOtiC ) )★©° - 22
(Syracuse, Syracuse / incall /outcalls)
Looking for some fun or to relieve some stress, well look no further!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
It's Cherri as juicy as the fruit.Let me be your bad girl»Real deal« - 21
(Syracuse, syracuse/incall)
I know A Man Have Needs" Real Men"Come See What You Been Missing - 24
(Syracuse, syracuse, Oswego, fulton surrounding)
🍑🍑🍑New girl student!💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋Two hot Asian girls waiting for you 🌺🌺🌺442-264-552⃣2⃣💋💋💋💋 - 21
(North Syracuse, Syracuse)
LET me ♥ ▃▅▆██▅▃ ♥ Give You ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ What You ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ !REA.LL.Y! ♥Need ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ ♛ - 22 - 22
$I-M & O -L- D- E -R & C -E -R -A &R; -U- N -N- I- N- G &D; A I L Y & S P E C I A L S - 51
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE/NY&ANYWERE;&315-228-8368)
i$$$ destiny here for your treat!!! come see my girl she simply sweet. $$ sabrin$ - 24
(Syracuse, carrier circle)
[*. HOTt n READy .*] LeTs SpiCe uP yOuR LiFe ;)) 2 GIRL SPECIALS & TS AVAIL 24hr❤ - 21
(Syracuse, Syracuse and Surrounding)
M A T U R E & O L D E R - N I K K I E &NO; RIP OFFS HERE 315-877-0796 - 50
Up ALL NIGHT!!! Sweet, Sexy, & Exotic Highly Reviewed - 23
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle/ Casino - Incall/Outcall)
!!!SUPER SEXY STACEY 36DD's!!! Back for a Limited Time!!! New Pics!!! - 23
(Syracuse, 7th North/Buckley Rd.)
S E R I O U S L Y HOT :¦: Adriana :¦: ( TREAT YOURSELF Incall & Outcall Specials - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse Ny)
⬛️💜⬛️ 🍒🍒🍒🍒 ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛ BLONDE. ⬛️💜 ⬛ 🍒🍒🍒🍒 ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ღ BOMBSHELL ⬛️💜⬛️ 🍒🍒🍒-315-418-7228 - 22
*-*~ AVAIL TIL 5pm *-*~ IM NOT CHEAP *-*~ REAL *-*~ BLONDE *-*~ FUN *-*~ SEXY *-*~ - 36
(Syracuse, carrier circle/e.syracuse)
$80-100hr ** SUGAR ALWAYS makes you feel.. OHH SOO GOOD. come see ** SUGAR 315-886-0428 - 30
$50 $50 $50 limited time $50 $50 $50 pics 10000% me call China $50 $50 $50 great rates ♥♥ $50 $50 ♡ - 24
(Syracuse, Carrier Circle ♥$50 $50 $50)
**$60$ SuNdAy NiTe SpEcIaLs** **CoMe EnJoY GeNtLeMaN** **DoNt MiSS Out On ThE UlTiMaTe ExPeRiEnCe * - 25
18 ((( Angel))) Soft Feminine Brand New & !!!*** $100 incall specials 315- 876-7930 - 18
(Syracuse, syracuse/ incall/ outcall)
███ 36DDD ███100% real pic██ ———— New coming … 💗💓 ◆♥❤❤Busty Girl❤♥◆ ◆♥❤❤❤♥◆Best Japanese Sensual 💗💓 - 22
(Syracuse, S Bay Rd , North Syracuse)
—█ —★—█ ☆1 ✰ ✰ % REAL ☆█ - ★- █ —--ThE ☆ UlTiMAtE ☆ EXPeRIeNCe ☆SK!LLED☆DoNt MiSS OuT★ - 21
UP ALL NIGHT! - Dominican/Indian Mix 315.329.1924 Incalls/Outcalls - 29
(Syracuse, Outcalls Syracuse/Casino)
welcome to the all star team were its all a dream so come relax with meNEW PHOTOS - 22
(Syracuse, strathmore area)
SuPeR Sweet 100SPeCiAL ♛• NeW CuT¡€ (ViSiTiNG) [UpSCaLe BaBe] No RusH 1OO% ReAl - 19
(Syracuse, where ever you need me to be)
Sneak away for the nagging wife come join me 4 playtime guys lets hav fun!!! 65$qs100$hh160$hr - 27
•°•°• Why •• Settle •• For •• Less •• When •• You •• Can •• Have •• The •• Best •°•°• - 23
(Syracuse, Syracuse/Casino In And Outcalls)
★█▓██▓█ █▓█~ UPSCALE ★ CLASSY ! █▓██▓█ █▓█~ EXOTIC ★ SEXY!★█▓██▓█ █▓█ █▓█~ ★█▓█ █▓█ █▓██▓█~★ - 19
(Syracuse, Incall & Outcall Available 24/7 by appt)