Fri 10 Jan
★☆ Limited Time OnLy ★☆ Ready To PLay ? Let's PLay ★☆ 1000% ReaL Pics ★☆(Early Bird Specials) - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse, incalls/ outcalls)
Steamy hot showers, toy shows, prostate play, ALL YOU DESIRE HERE with KAY!! $80~100hr - 30
(Syracuse, n syracuse area/ off 81)
:::@__ ATTENTION: 2 GiRL SpEciaLs BuStY BLoNdE & PeTiTe BrUnEtT CoMe PlAy WiTh Us!!!! - 23
(syracuse & surrounding areas)
Thu 09 Jan
N U R U * B O D Y 2 B O D Y * S L I D E *with Kennedy Visiting (( Dec 12th ) - 27
(Syracuse, DOWNTOWN)
N__U__R__U * * * BODY2BODY * S__L__I__D__E* * * with Kennedy (( Visiting )) - 27
(Syracuse, DOWNTOWN)
Natalia Special$100 TODAY ONLY**CALL NOW 315-8768862 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse and surrounding Areas)
💜O L D E R 💔Mature 💕SARA💞EARLY↔Bird 💛Specials💕Starting 💟At 💕6/AM💓 - 55
(Syracuse, SყřąĆųŞɛ NY ơʄʄŞơųŧɧ)
** N_€_W ** [[seXy]] '•. K•!•N•k•Y .•' {{eRotiC}} •°*D R E A M_G I R L*°• - 24
(Syracuse, SYRACUSE AUBURN Area)
★★ Completely Irresistible ** Super kinky & Slippery★ Special's ★ - 20
(Syracuse, Syracuse, Turning Stone Surrounding Area)
Wed 08 Jan
buddys with no strings attached -- w4m - 20
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
gentlemen come do Mrs Santa for Christmas.. nughty sexy and blonde $80~$100hr Mrs Santa 315~450~3406 - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse just off 81n)
L•O•O•K•••► outcall specials【 KiLLeR CuRvEs 】★【 WAiTiNg 4 YoU 】★【 HiGhLy SKiLLeD 】40 specialsss - 22
(Syracuse, syracuse. out call specials)
Funday $PECIAL Sunday ONLY! Just lay back & Relax! Outcalls to your hotel! 315-729-9059* - 34
(Syracuse, East Syracuse/independent/OUTCALLS!)
hello im amber join me or my girl friend fore some hot times garenteed plesure 315 863-3092 - 19
💘🎀 Busty💎Brunette BOMB$hell 1000% ReAL PiCS★💜CLiCK HERE! - 25
(IN/OUT CALL Syracuse,Watertown,TSt,Utica, Syracuse)
**$60$ WedNeSdAY NiTe SpEcIaLs* *CoMe EnJoY GeNtLeMaN* **DoNt MiSS Out On ThE UlTiMaTe ExPeRiEnCe * - 25
$80~$100 All in one = toy shows!! prostate play!! strap play!! exc. - 30
(Syracuse, n syracuse area/ off 81)
**** Eminent ** Arousal ** Event ** For ** The ** Syracuse Area **** Mon 5/6 & Tues 5/7 **** - 35
Tue 07 Jan
Stop!!! Read this if you want to get laid tonight.
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
Great attitude! Great reviews and a Great special!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
The Backpage dilemma - 21
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
I'm NOT fat/skinny/ young/old/ ugly/druggy/ or a rip off! I'm 100% REAL NOW 315-729-8036 - 36
(Syracuse, East syracuse/in/out/Safe place!)
Every Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Details
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
💜🎀💜 BRAND NeW One NiGhT OnLY 🔥N@ughty 🔥RuSSian Beuty HoT HoliDaY 🎁SpECiALs 🎁Eager2 PLeASE 💜🎀💜 - 23
outcall avalible call and book 24/7 *** new number 315.729.2268 - 18
(Ithaca, syracuse binghamton ithaca watertown +)
:*:*:*:* NEW , Sweet Sexy Young ,Aliza LEAVING SOON*:*:* Specials - 20
(Syracuse, carrier circle incall)
__( NEW! )( ChOcOLaTe )( SeXy N CuRvEy )( EBONY )( HOTTiE )( 24/7) SPECiAL ) - 24
@@@New in town just for you put me to the test and let me do the rest@@@ - 22
(Syracuse, syracuse/watertown)
... in town 10/23-10/24 1 Night Only w TIA MARIE! Bachelor Parties Private Dances N Body Rubs!!! - 25
(Syracuse, syracuse,binghamton,elmira,other NY AREA)
** $100/hh special 100% me or the session is free Available Now (315)466-8179** Chas** - 30
(Syracuse, carrier circle)
Are you looking for something with no strings attached!!? - 23
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
💋💦❤ Sunday SPECIALS ! - 2 GIRLS 150 ... Guarantee it's me , or it's FREE ! ❤💦💋 - 22
(Syracuse, Liverpool)
$$ discounts!! come get me as your treat;) warning im addictive! come find out why..;) - 41
(north of syr, Syracuse)
Mon 06 Jan
$$💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 NEW NEW 💋💋 ASIAN GIRLS 💋best services💋 HOT & SEXY 💋💋💋💋💋💋 WAITING FOR U - 21
(south bay rd,Syracuse!come today, Syracuse)
▒ *☆.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ▒ ▓ *♥ ξRΘΤϊ© ☆GoRgeOuS ☆ Bombshell ♥★*‧ *▓ ▒ *☆.•* √✪ - 24
(Syracuse, UpsC@le LOCATION .. IN/ OUT)
Specials tonight- A Beautiful Evening - 39
(Elmira-Corning, Ithaca, Syracuse, Utica-Rome-Oneida, Watertown)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ [X] SMACk THAt [x] [x] ▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ MAkE Me SCREAM) -♥-[X] WATCh iT DRiP - 22
(Syracuse, carrier circle)